Sunday, September 11, 2011

Another Life Change

I had my baby in March. I don't want to be morbid but, yikes, here I go: if I thought I was afraid to die before he arrived, now I'm petrified. I really, really want to live to see Owen grow up. Go to college, get married, have kids, turn 50. The works.

Which is why the documentary Forks Over Knives affected me so powerfully, I think. I watched scientists say I could avoid cancer, diabetes, heart disease and chronic illnesses by adopting a plant-based diet and they had statistics to back it up. I freaking love stats: I feel like they are the closest thing to proof of a theory anyone can get. The film explored the environmental impact of eating meat which is pretty terrible; the dubious morality of raising animals only to overfeed, pump with hormones, trap in cages, and then slaughter them; the way the different food industries falsely brand themselves as the source of nutrients we can get from more responsible sources; and the health benefits of being vegan.

So, at the risk of sounding like a 17 year old high school girl entering a phase: I'm going vegan. Since watching the movie, I've begun to read The China Study by Dr. T. Colin Campbell, I've watched Sanjay Gupta's "The Last Heart Attack" (Bill Clinton is vegan now!), listened to some podcasts and read a bunch of articles. I've researched how it will affect me as a nursing mother and have found it doesn't. I've started taking my prenatal vitamins again for the Vitamin B12.

This blog will now be vegan. I'm hoping to put together a collection of truly yummy dishes that me and my family will love.

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