Monday, February 21, 2011

Homemade Granola

La Brea Bakery has an amazing granola that comes in a tiny bag but costs $7! About a month ago, I checked out the ingredients and thought, um, I need to make my own. I don't know exactly what's in the La Brea Bakery version but mine is a hit at home and is SO GOOD. Also, very easy to make.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Cottage Cheese Pancakes

I LOVE pancakes, Every one of my friends knows this because when Andy is gone for the evening a couple of them never fail to ask me if I'm making pancakes for dinner and a lot of the time the answer is "Yes, of course I am." It's a snack/meal/dessert all in one and they are an awesome vehicle for whatever: fruit, bacon, whipped cream, you name it. So, yeah, pancakes are the best.

Recently, I found a recipe over at a health site that intrigued me because as much as I LOVE pancakes, I have gained a ton of weight this pregnancy and really need to watch my carbohydrate intake. Boring, I know. At any rate, I whipped these up yesterday and, holy crap, I'm sold. They are packed with protein and they taste so much like real pancakes that I still felt guilty. And guilt is the byproduct of a really good snack/meal/dessert. SMD? I'll work on it.

Salt-baked Fish

It's getting closer and closer to BABY TIME and I am finding it hard to focus. We're also moving. I told Andy we would be living like bachelors for a few weeks: no new recipes, no baking. But. I had to try a new preparation last night for some whole trout.

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